Friday, April 8, 2016

The "RV" Squad!

Last weekend I flew with my dad down to Eufala, AL to eat lunch with my dad's friend and what I call the "RV Squad" since my dad's friend and his friends all have a Van's RV. I learned a little bit and my dad let me do the pre-flight inspection of the plane, which was fun. But I was really excited because we finally found a time for me to go up with the "RV Squad" and do some aerobatics! I'm also going to be able to fly an RV and throw it around and do a ton of aerobatics. I'm going to be taking a lot of videos for that as well. In preparation for that day, I have researched types of G-forces and the effects of g-forces on the human body. One example is a g-force known as a +Gz, which acts by pushing you down from head to toe (a common g-force experienced in aerobatics). It forces blood to flow away from your head, which can lead to becoming unconscious. This is also why pilots may pass out in g-force training videos.

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